Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oriental Cabbage Salad

Recipe from: Beth Potter

I love making this salad for lunch, because if you are like me, lunch is a pain!  My kids usually eat PB & J's, or chicken nuggest and mac and cheese.  Not the most healthy selections for mommy!  Usually what ends up happening is I'll snack on the left over mac and cheese, or just skip lunch all together and wonder why I'm starving at dinner time! 

This salad makes enough that Kirk and I can have it for lunch for 3 days.  And the 2nd and 3rd day the salad tastes the best because it has had time to soak up all the flavor.  And today for lunch I didn't have any almonds so I threw in a bunch of sunflower seeds instead and it was just as yummy! Now onto the recipe:

Oriental Cabbage Salad

1 package Cole Slaw mix, cabbage and carrots only
1 bunch green onions
1 package slivered almonds, toasted
1/2 jar sesame seeds, toasted
1 package Top Ramen-chicken (save the seasoning packet for dressing)
1/2 cup oil
5-6 TBS cider vinegar
1 TBS sugar
1 seasoning packet from Top Ramen
Salt, pepper, and garlic to taste

Break noodles inot pieces.  Place sesame seeds and almonds in oven (broiler) in seperate pans and toast.  Mix Cole Slaw mix, onion, almonds, seeds, and noodles in a large bowl.  Stir remaining ingredients for salad dressing.  Pour dressing over salad and mix good. 

Variation:  Add cooked diced chicken breast to salad and serve in pita pocket bread for a yummy sandwich!

**I am usually able to find the almonds and sesame seeds already toasted at the grocery store.  I have burnt the almonds/seeds too many times now and ruined the recipe, so I just go the easy route of buying them already done!

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